Commuting by Bike

Commuter BikeAs Mountain Biking by 198 starts to really expand its horizons and step further into the world of road biking and commuting by bike, I wanted to get some thoughts from you guys. I recently posted some similar questions to my twitter crowd (@mtbby198) and the responses were so good that I decided we needed to do the same thing here.

Commuting by bike is taking the world by storm as budget cuts continue to sweep the nation. In the interest of keeping the bills down, commuting by bike is a great alternative to jumping in the car everyday. Add to that…commuting by bike is great for your health and overall well being. For many, commuting by bike has already been apart of their daily regiment and the rest of use are struggling to catch up.


Lets hear from you guys. In the comments section below, I want to get some of your thoughts on bike commuting.

Do you currently commute by bike?

If yes…

  • How often?
  • How long of a distance?
  • Do you use a specific commuter bike, or do you ride your road or mountain bike?

If no…

  • Why are you not currently commuting by bike?
  • Are you planning on commuting by bike in the future?
  • What would change your mind about your current situation with commuting by bike?

And, of course, any other information you would like to add is always welcomed. Thank you for taking the time to provide Mountain Biking by 198 with your responses. We greatly appreciate it!

Image by: placid casual

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