The First 30 Days

Monday’s Riding Tips Article – Above picture taken by Chocolate Girl/Mama.

The time periods vary depending on the rider, but in generally the first 30 days on the bike are the most critical. During this time period, you are going to notice the fastest improvements in endurance and bike handling. I have talked with riders on this subject before, and most of us agree that new riders are much like the graph shown above, you see great improvements at the beginning. Over time, your riding will start to plato as you get into a grove with your bike and riding abilities.

What happens during these crucial first rides?

  1. You get used to using muscles that you are not used to using.
  2. Your body starts to adjust to the unpredictable nature of mountain biking.
  3. You start to become more comfortable on the bike.
  4. Your overall riding experience becomes better with each ride as these things improve.

It is my theory that many riders quit the sport at the early stages from throwing in the towel too early. If they would just tough through the first 30 days, they might have found that they really liked the sport of mountain biking.

I encourage every new rider to push themselves through the first rides. Many of them find riding to be a lot of fun, but they just need to get over that first hump in endurance and bike handling to really let loose. As with anything, the beginning stages are always the hardest. To keep these beginning rides fun, try some of the following tips.

  • Go to new trails.
  • Take breaks when needed.
  • Wear the proper clothing.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Ride with someone more experienced than you are.
  • Encourage the new riders by congratulating accomplishments.

We go through the same routine on first rides back from sickness or injury, but in most cases, those recovery times are normally shorter. It is great to see new riders on the trail and I really hope that the sport continues to grow. We need to always encourage new riders and attempt to bring back riders who might have taken a long vacation. As long as they get through the first rides, everything else should fall into place.

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