Ramped Riding and MTB198 Update

I blasted this email out to the MTB by 198 newsletter subscribers, but I also wanted to publish this update here to keep those of you that haven’t checked your email in the loop.

I know what you are thinking…October has come and gone and I still don’t have the free eBook, Ramped Riding! I was the one that set the October deadline, so I felt the need to chime in and tell you why it is not on your computer screen yet, but it will be very soon.

October ended up being a very busy month for me and the MTB198 crew. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been dealing with some medical issues with my wife, and that has put a lot of time constraints on things at home. Luckily, all of the stress came to a head last Friday and we got the fantastic news that she will be able to have kids naturally! That was a huge weight off of our shoulders and even though we have a long road still to climb, we have a lot more positive outlook on where things are headed.

Ramped Blogging 125During this month, I also released another 118 page ebook on robbsutton.com titled Ramped Blogging. Ramped Blogging takes you step by step through the process of blogging and how to create a successful blog. Like the Ramped Riding ebook, it is free to newsletter subscribers, so if you are interested in starting a blog or making your existing blog successful, you can download it for free using the link below.

Ramped Blogging – The Ultimate Blogging Guide for Beginner and Experienced Bloggers

Ramped Riding – How To Become A Better Mountain Biker

Ramped Riding - Become a Better Mountain BikerI can’t seem to stop adding content to Ramped Riding! Every time I think I am done, I think of something else that just has to be added! The free ebook just continues to grow, but I want to make sure it gets out. So…I am going to add a couple more things and get it ready to be published within the next 2 weeks.

That’s right…I just made another deadline that is going to be achieved. You will have your very own copy of Ramped Riding within the next two weeks. Now that things have calmed down at home, I have gotten the other ebook published and I can stop obsessing over adding more content…I can get it done and out to you guys.

Updated On Mountain Biking by 198

As you may have already seen on the blog, I am in the process of updating everything on Mountain Biking by 198. We are getting a new logo designed by the crew at Vitamin (vitaminisgood.com – check out their site animation!) and a new site design by The Shatt and the crew at Just the Web (justtheweb.com). Every thing is going to be located over at bike198.com and you will not have to change a thing. I am doing the backend work to make everything flow over seamlessly without the need to change subscriptions, rss feeds, etc.

Thank you for continuing to support everything that is going on here at Mountain Biking by 198. We appreciate it more than you’ll ever understand. Be on the lookout for the new logo and happy riding!

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