Backwoods Mountain Biking

Photo of the Week: Backwoods Mountain Biking

When I saw this image by Will Simmons in the Bike198 Flickr pool, I knew it had to be shared.

One of the things I love about mountain biking the most, you can not get from any other cycling discipline…the ability to completely escape the reality in which we live. When you get out into the deep woods, it is just you, the bike and nature as you try to conquer your assumptions of what you consider doable and normal. There is no traffic, no job, no lines to stand in, no people to worry about. Even if the trail is not far off from the road, just a simple wall of trees blocking the sound of busy life outside the forest can make it seem like you are in another world.

There is a calming effect that sets in with each pedal stroke as you plan the next attack on the trail. Nothing else matters. There are no distractions. There is only one goal. To extract the most you can out of the experience to keep the memory alive until the next ride.

Backwoods Mountain Biking

Afan and Brechfa – Wales 2011

A weekend riding Afan and Brechfa trails – good times

Join the Bike198 Flickr Group and start submitting your photos. They show up in the sidebar of the site and sometimes get featured in articles like these.

Want to take better mountain biking pictures? Check out this three part series by Keith Pytlinski.

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